
Hello fellow readers and followers! I have published another book called The K-Drama Book! If you are a fan of Korean Dramas or looking for a good drama to watch, view The K-Drama Book and chat with other fans!
          	*If you are not a fan of K-Dramas or not interested in them at all... I apologize and please ignore this message...


I can't reply to comments, so I'm going to post this here. To reach a wider audience, you need a little makeover. I'm willing to make your awesome book a cover---I'm a Star Wars roleplayer with a small graphic shop open :) And maybe a little cameo from famous characters won't hurt? It feels rewarding to the reader, or maybe it's just me xD


@StrayHeart_24 Cover redo done! Check tumblr thread!


@StrayHeart_24 The cover's done! Check your tumblr thread :)


Hello fellow readers and followers! I have published another book called The K-Drama Book! If you are a fan of Korean Dramas or looking for a good drama to watch, view The K-Drama Book and chat with other fans!
          *If you are not a fan of K-Dramas or not interested in them at all... I apologize and please ignore this message...


I have began to write a new story! @KeyKooktrash98 and I have began a new story title Star Wars: Rising Darkness. This story is a Star Wars and BTS Alternative Universe. Although our focus audience are Star Wars and K-pop fans, we are striving to make it a story that is reader-friendly for all. Currently we have the synopsis and character list published on Wattpad and it would be very helpful to us if you could vote and/or comment on our story. The feedback will be very helpful in creating the story. If you are not interested in the story at all then please ignore this message. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I hope to hear a lot of feedback from you guys!