


hi! i hope you are doing okay. i have 10 knife wounds on my arm.


@Zicron_Birch You should put a bandage on those and some soothing cream, it'll help


@StreamRiver I’m okay only a bunch of cuts


@Zicron_Birch Oh, that's good that it doesn't hurt. I'm doing okay, just a bit sore from stuff. Hbu?


          Thank you for the followww :D 
          (I come from DA where people thank others for follows, idk if I do that here or not but just know I’m genuinely thanking you and if that’s annoying then let me know please- god I’m so awkward I’m sorry )


OHHH I was wondering why your account sounded familiar lmaooo 


can i ask you a dumb question? what does having emotions feel like? i feel numb and tired all the time and i cant understand people's emotions so im curious what emotions are like


@Zicron_Birch Yeah, but I'm sure, that with the right amount of time and guidance, the numbness will ease. It'll never go away, ofc, but it'll ease it to let others emotions pass in. And don't worry about me, I'm fine! I appreciate the offer tho!


@StreamRiver i would be happy (ironic right?) if i could feel any emotions at all. even though sadness is not a good feeling as far as i know but anything would be better then feeling nothing all the time. im sorry you have to fake emotions as well. if you ever want or need to vent about something let me know as it is the least i can do for all the help you have given me.


@Zicron_Birch No, I understand! I fake my emotions most of the time as well. I understand that you don't want to feel sadness, it's not a very fun emotion. But it's good that you're acknowledging that you don't want to be sad. Numbness can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It mostly depends on the situation, really


hiiiii (orange warning) 
          so is orange orange because oranges are orange or are oranges called oranges because oranges are orange? (me managing to use orange eight times in a sentence and it is still understandable.) 
          also i think i have fear of long words which i cant remember the name of it but whenever i hear or see a long word or have to say one (like my fears latin name) i just stress out and start crying so dont mention my fear


@Zicron_Birch It's fine, I'm used to this sort of thing! I don't mind listening to people talk about their problems. I love helping others, and I love trying to understand one's struggles. If you ever feel the need to vent about something, I'm always here with an open ear!
            But yeah, I get it. I don't blame you for wanting to say those things. Heck, sometimes I get the urge to say things I really shouldn't. But it's good that you're trying to stand up for people. You have every right to get mad at people!
            The other platform was called DeviantArt btw, it's a huge art website with tons of problems -_-


@StreamRiver also was the other platform you mentioned called ao3 by any chance?


@Zicron_Birch i know its kind of rude but whenever someone insults a lgbtq+ person i want to tell them to "shut up you f**king a**hat people will be who they want to be unlike you you f**king mimic octopus!" (i tried to censor myself hopefully you can still kinda understand it) also for everyone who is just glancing throug this comment: THE STUFF IN THE QUOTATIONS IS NOT TO STREAMRIVER IT IS AN EXAMPLE!


have an upside down cat because i cant flip letters upside down :) 
          <   >
          (tommorow i will do it correctly with the upside down carictures)


@Zicron_Birch Lol, it's fine! I haven't even heard of half of these references, so now I know them! :)


@Zicron_Birch sorry i make random reffances like: should i open it or should i keep it sealed? or: what grade did you get is it sh- and also to go with the last two: so fine its nine nobody's perfect but was it really worth it? (these are from shortspocketmonster on youtube and the other one is from a random thing that showed up on instagram) sorry i just am making random referances (maybe i should make a book of random guessing references)


(random refferance incoming) my name is zicron birch and i have problems


what is your favourite punctuation mark? me attempting to list them: :!?:;,.()"'-/<>_* (i think thats all of them? i dont know also tons of collins (i have no idea how to spell that like how does anyone in America spell fahrenheit without autocorrect Celsius is so much easier or how inches will never line up to metres) sorry about the long tangent: (again with the collin) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: my hand hurts now


@Zicron_Birch That's fine! And yeah, I don't understand that concept either. Imma be honest, all this meters, inches, and that sorta stuff, I ain't that good at it :sob: And even after all my years of writing, I still don't know how to write Fahrenheit XD


sorry for spelling mistakes i type fast and dont have autocorrect


im so confused: how inches in a foot? 12 okay so 12 feet in a yard? no its 3 feet! …okay and how many fet in a mile? wll ObViOuSlY 5280 (that is suppost to be sarcastic but i dont know how to convay it) and will these new measurements conect with the measurements the rest of the world uses? never! and instead of using tempature the rest of the world uses we will use Fahrenheit! …spell that. imposible! (see what i mean? (this took forever to look up the information just for this comment also where does 5280 feet come from? also isnt it 3.63 feet in a metre? i cant remember and i had just looked it up)


sorry im bothering you so much!


@Zicron_Birch It's fine! I don't mind at all! I don't really have any friends, but that doesn't really bug me. I'm too socially awkward to make friends anyways lol, so I mostly just hangout with online people


@StreamRiver thanks i could use the company as well i cant talk to any of my four maybe five friends outside of extracurricular activities (except one who never replies because i cant message their new phone and they never check their computer for messages, one who i havent seen in a while, and my crush which is pretty awkward because they dont know i have a crush on them) sorry i got into a long tangent but i havent been able to talk to people in ages


@Zicron_Birch I don't mind at all! I could use the company anyways :]


do you know what any of the shortened words mean as well as the tone things? am i too old to understand them? im not that old though


@Zicron_Birch Ooooh, okay, that makes sense


@StreamRiver I made that one up because I didn’t want to use a real one in case i accidentally used one that is rude


@Zicron_Birch No need to apologize! I didn't understand most of the terms for a while either! But I never heard of one that has those words in it. I've only ever seen ones like '/gen' (Meaning: Genuine) or /ser (Meaning: Serious) and those types. Most people nowadays use shorter version of words, for example '/j' (Meaning: Joking), '/hj' (Meaning: Half Joking), '/sarc' (Meaning: Sarcasm), etc. I've never heard one with the ending of what you're looking for, sorry