
Ich will mich mal bedanken für die 10 Followerdas bedeutet mir wirklich sehr viel.❤️❤️❤️
          	Danke, Danke, Danke
          	LG Streifenwunsch 


Read it all
          I mean it all!
          Read it all~
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care.
          See how many times you get this.
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this,
          You must send it to 15 people.
          Including me.
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it.
          Tonight, (right at 12:00am) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to the 15 people.
          If you don't you will turn ugly in 1 year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow, 2 boys/girls will ask if they can have your number.
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!
          Good luck!
          Oh! And don't send this to a group chat!


Heyyyy!! Möchtest du vllt beim Warrior Cats Check vorbei schauen?


@Streifenwunsch kleiner Tipp, beim Markieren zwischen @ und Name kein Leerzeichen machen, also z.B. @ Streifenwunsch nicht, sondern @Streifenwunsch ^^ dann ist der Name orange ^^


@Streifenwunsch kannst es auch kommentieren ^^


@ FlammenfederWaCa  Ja ich hab's mir angeschaut und finde es eine schöne Idee.Ähm ich weiß aber nicht ganz wie ich das herunterladen kann oder so ?
            LG Streifenwunsch 


Danke für dein Follow! Wie kams?


@ MondseeWaCa hallooooo!


@ MondseeleWaCa  finde dich nett,du schreibst coole Geschichten und kenne dich von GF.
            LG Streifenwunsch/Lavendelwind
            Vielleicht weißt du ja jetzt wer ich bin (wenn du es noch nicht wusstest 