
Hi guys! I just found out that it was basically exactly a year ago that I first starting watching/listening to BTS! It's crazy it's been an entire year but it's also crazy that it's only been a year lmaooo. All I can say is that they've made me so much happier, I've made so many new friends because of them, and it's the best decision I've ever made to love them. And I don't say that lightly because I cannot make decisions lmaoo. But yeah, it's officially been a year!


@StrongBeautiful16 Wah time flies! I've been an army for one and a half years roughly 


Congrats on being an army for a year, Hobi was right because liking BTS has been the best decision ever  


Hey girl! It's been forever.
          I just randomly thought of you, I haven't heard from you for a while, so this is me checking up!
          How've you been?


@emperor_zusi Hi! It has been a while!! I'm doing pretty good! Just got back from a long vacation and I'm just relaxing!
            How about you?


hey, how've you been?


@StrongBeautiful16 I take an English class! It's some extensive program that I was invited to take. I wish I could see the Lollapalooza performance, but I have the same issue. WAY too far


@-armlink- Oh that is a lot! What extra class is it? Is it like a fun one, or required?
            Totally! I'm so excited that he's performing at Lollapolooza, too! Wish I could go but it's too far haha


@StrongBeautiful16 Frr work is tiring. As well as school work. I have an extra class tomorrow so I don't quite know how that'll go. His track is totally not what we normally hear from him but it's def good! 


Hello precious hooman ᵔᴥᵔ
          I am here after a long time ✋️ again to remind you something! 
          Slow down. Yes slow down . It's needed right now . 
          If things are not happening your way then the universe is sending you signs to not give up but just slow down to reflect on everything you have and who is there for you . 
          You are always finding something to do and somewhere to go but you have the greatest gift in your possession. 
          Give presense to these moments and to yourself. Listen to what your mind ,heart and body needs . It's time to reflect on who is there for you and who is not . Reflect on what matters to you and the thing you are running behind is it worth it ? 
          Sit and think my friend. I know deep self reflection is hard but it's rewarding . 
          I know you can do it . Trust yourself. 
          I know I came after days ~~ 
          Here's a heart ❤️ for an apology . 
          Take care ~~


Hi guys! I just found out that it was basically exactly a year ago that I first starting watching/listening to BTS! It's crazy it's been an entire year but it's also crazy that it's only been a year lmaooo. All I can say is that they've made me so much happier, I've made so many new friends because of them, and it's the best decision I've ever made to love them. And I don't say that lightly because I cannot make decisions lmaoo. But yeah, it's officially been a year!


@StrongBeautiful16 Wah time flies! I've been an army for one and a half years roughly 


Congrats on being an army for a year, Hobi was right because liking BTS has been the best decision ever  


For all Stays out there, how did you guys like the new SKZ comeback? The second I watched the Maniac MV I was obsessed. The chorus is too catchy omg. I've just been walking around my house singing it. I know I listened to it at least 5 times in the span of an hour lmaooo. Plus red-haired Hyunjin is so gorgeous! They all did amazing this comeback!


Hey YOU . 
          YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. ❤ 
          Believe me . Your every curve , every line is perfect. You don't have to stand on society standards . You have to be just yourself. 
          Make your own standards . Standards such as confidence , beautiful persona . 
          Your every mole , freckle , stretch marks , scars , tattoos , birthmarks , everything is so damn gorgeous . They all just make you more real and are a proof that you have lived . So never be embarrassed to have them . They make you YOU . 
          You define your beauty . That's not a power anyone can have over you . 
          You are worthy. You are enough . You are freaking special.  Know that . 



@StrongBeautiful16 //Ayy needless and thank you too ❤❤❤❤


@TheIllusioner05 Thank you so so much!! You are such a wonderful person for doing this!! Thank you for always spreading positivity and self-love, it's so inspiring ❤️ Always love yourself!


Why is Jungkook trying to kill us all lately? I can't get over his performance in Fake Love with that shirt that is barely covering anything TT. I feel like I need a week to recover lmaooo


@StrongBeautiful16 //That one button worked harder than anyone :/ 


I know it was just holding on by a button. 0.0 