POV of my life getting a bit more unbearable:
Today, my friend group exchanged Secret Santas to each other, but one of the friend's name accidentally got pulled twice, meaning one of the friends didn't get a gift. And, that friend was me (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
But, my friend said that they would give me a brand new Jack Skellington plushie they bought :DDD (guys, I LOVE The Nightmare Before Christmas).
But, THEN, when I was making seed bead bracelets for something that's due anxiously soon, tHe FrEaKiNg, GoShDaRnEd BlUeY bRaCeLeT kEpT bReAkInG, aBsOlUtElY dEsTrOyInG mY sAnItY.
And, it's worse when it happened TWO TIMES. And, it's EVEN worse when I don't know how to be kind with myself (like, I have no idea how to), so I'm hurting REALLY bad on the inside. And, it all just sucks.
But, yeah! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Whatever you do or don't celebrate!