
Guys, I think I broke two of my toes because I was running out of a room and legit running speed kicked the door frame and it's been a few hours and it hurts to move two of them, guys wtf.




I'm sorry if I've disappointed you! I just kept cringing at how bad I was writing since I never took time to edit or really plan a story before I started writing it. (but between you and me and whoever else who may read this, I may be doing some re-writing, and publishing some new stories in the near future)


Hey phae! I'm going to bed then going to school in the morning but I just wanted to say hi and try because I haven't been trying with anything lately and I really want to try keep you as a friend. I hope you have or had a great day today and I'll try to talk to you as soon as possible


Hey phæ! And even if we aren't talking I will always consider you a friend! But yea I would love to talk more. Do you have iMessage?


Hello all! I know I'm kind of a bad author when is comes to my stupid but dearly loved fan fiction, but soon I will be releasing a actual story! (That I would like to be a book someday!) It will be pretty decent considering I actual edit it and then have an editor and then I check her editing! So be looking out for something new soon! 


@RIP_Jazzy that's good because if something happened to you I would like be so sad because if you make and internet friend (bae in our case) and they just stop answering comments and messages from you then you know something's wrong and in my case I would just keep sending you messages about how I'm doing even though I know you may never answer