
Hey guys,
          	Im not sure if I should continue with my story or not I mean I want to but at the same time no one seems to be giving feed back with the exception of a select few so if you get the chance let me know what you what you think I should do and if you want me to continue and have any ideas you want to share please pm me
          	Thanks so much
          	Love, Shannon


Hey guys,
          Im not sure if I should continue with my story or not I mean I want to but at the same time no one seems to be giving feed back with the exception of a select few so if you get the chance let me know what you what you think I should do and if you want me to continue and have any ideas you want to share please pm me
          Thanks so much
          Love, Shannon


Ok Guys I finally updated Being Me please read it if you get the chance I will try to have another update by the end of this week but from Thursday to Saturday I will be packing for a vacation to Boston so I wont be able to get to a computer at all. I am trying to write as much as possible but im only human so....
          Thanks guys and I hope to hear from you soon


I want to say this once so all people who I follow or who follow me please listen. Today I got called a bitch for doing what was right. I stood up for @IndieFreak because she was getting hounded for not updating but the comments she received were way out of line. nobody deserves this kind of treatment so if you guys could please be careful how you phrase your comments to authors about updating their stories. And @IndieFreak I fully support you and your band I wish I could have seen the video but I don't have a facebook. I understand that we can all get impatient when waiting for updates but the girls picking on @IndieFreak went to far. Please write back to tell me how you feel about all of this
                                             - Shannon