Well, as you lot may have noticed already... I'M BACK baby!!!
Ready to go with new ideas and thoughts!
But first, a quick announcement:
The following books will be put on hold until further notice:
A Life Worth Livin
Life Changer
Impact Wrestling One-Shots
I can only focus on so much and having so many requests for WWE One-Shots means I'm pretty backed up on writing for a while! As for the other unfinished books:
Fresh Faces
Bump In The Road
They will be updated probably once every two weeks from now on at a rough guess, provided I can find time!
Next up, I'm happy to announce that there are plans in place for a brand new book, and instead, (yes, I know this could be a bit childish), but it is actually based around a TV show you may be familar with - i-Carly! Particularly the reboot, with a few references to the old series! And this book will have my brand-new OC, but only as a bit part role, as Creddie will be my main focus, with the first part hopefully done by the weekend!
And finally, I've recently seen that I peaked 550 followers! Let's see if we can't get to 600 by the end of May - ambitious I know but it's worth a shot!
Anyway, enjoy what is to come!