
So peeps,
          	First of all, yes I am still here! And you guys deserve to know where I've been!
          	Truthfully, I am still here, but not as often as I have been before. What with my grandad suffering severe dementia and currently laying in a hospital bed after a nasty fall last week, I just haven't found the time to write at the moment. And also, with my constant checking up on him, seeing my girlfriend of 3 months, and work, I hardly have any time for myself these days.
          	Hopefully, when everything is sorted, I should be back to writing on a somewhat regular basis.
          	And also, only just seen we are 10 followers away from 600, so let's try and reach that! 
          	Love you guys.


@StueyBoii my thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.


@StueyBoii Nice to hear from you once again. I'm hoping I speak for everyone when I say We understand. Take all the time you need. See ya around 


So peeps,
          First of all, yes I am still here! And you guys deserve to know where I've been!
          Truthfully, I am still here, but not as often as I have been before. What with my grandad suffering severe dementia and currently laying in a hospital bed after a nasty fall last week, I just haven't found the time to write at the moment. And also, with my constant checking up on him, seeing my girlfriend of 3 months, and work, I hardly have any time for myself these days.
          Hopefully, when everything is sorted, I should be back to writing on a somewhat regular basis.
          And also, only just seen we are 10 followers away from 600, so let's try and reach that! 
          Love you guys.


@StueyBoii my thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.


@StueyBoii Nice to hear from you once again. I'm hoping I speak for everyone when I say We understand. Take all the time you need. See ya around 


So after some careful consideration, I have actually had a change of heart of the iCarly book, and instead of it being Creddie based with an OC on the side, it will now instead be Carly and the OC! 
          The former book has been unpublished and a new book will be up in the near future!


@StueyBoii will you able to continue to left off after Freddie and Carly love business. More Creddie stuff


@StueyBoii love to see more of your icarly book :) 


@Superflash2255 all in good time, I have a few chapters in the works! I'd say - expect a new chapter by the end of the week!


Well, as you lot may have noticed already... I'M BACK baby!!!
          Ready to go with new ideas and thoughts!
          But first, a quick announcement:
          The following books will be put on hold until further notice:
          A Life Worth Livin
          Life Changer
          Impact Wrestling One-Shots
          I can only focus on so much and having so many requests for WWE One-Shots means I'm pretty backed up on writing for a while! As for the other unfinished books:
          Fresh Faces
          Bump In The Road
          They will be updated probably once every two weeks from now on at a rough guess, provided I can find time!
          Next up, I'm happy to announce that there are plans in place for a brand new book, and instead, (yes, I know this could be a bit childish), but it is actually based around a TV show you may be familar with - i-Carly! Particularly the reboot, with a few references to the old series! And this book will have my brand-new OC, but only as a bit part role, as Creddie will be my main focus, with the first part hopefully done by the weekend!
          And finally, I've recently seen that I peaked 550 followers! Let's see if we can't get to 600 by the end of May - ambitious I know but it's worth a shot!
          Anyway, enjoy what is to come!


So I have a message which Ive been putting off for sometime now but it now seems like the right time to say it.
          As many of you seem to have noticed, my updates have been few and far between for some time now, and with my work life, as well as personal issues hampering me at the moment, I've decided to take an indefinite hiatus from writing.
          Now, don't think this means I'll be gone forever. I'll still be around here and there, and I may even surprise you all with a shock update! But for now, I feel burned out, my inspiration isn't there as much as it used to be, so I feel like I need some time away.
          But I do want to thank you all for your support you have shown me ever since I first got into this sort of thing. It means the world that so many of you like my books and I'm sure I'll have bigger and better ideas in the future.
          For now though, thanks, and goodbye.


@Superflash2255 not entirely, will be updating here and there but not fully back yet


@StueyBoii I understand, I'm kinda in the same rut as u rn, take care and hope everything gets better for u man