
Also! Sorry to all the people I have rp'd with! Idk what happened but I can't see the past messages from y'all. I can send a SS if you want. Also it's ok if you don't want to continue ^-^ I'm not a very consistent person..


Also! Sorry to all the people I have rp'd with! Idk what happened but I can't see the past messages from y'all. I can send a SS if you want. Also it's ok if you don't want to continue ^-^ I'm not a very consistent person..


Hi y'all! 
          So I've been super busy lately and couldn't do much but now that the holidays are over I should have more free time ^v^ yeahh work has it's downs.. I never posted about that did I? Anyways my sick and wonderfully clouded mind has been nagging at me to find a way to share some photos I took. Idk if it's specifically bc of some more "professional" (as in I got a proper camera from school for a media assignment) photos I'm quite proud of or I'm jsut bored. But would anyone like to see dome photos? I have the "pro photos" and some sunset pic (non-pro) sooo yeah! Also would I do it in a different book or..


OK! I need to say this!
          For those who have watchen Encanto. Just TRY and convince me that Bruno isn't gay. Bc there is no flipping way that man is straight. I'm also leaning towards Lesbian Isabela and Bisexual Mirabel.


I completely agree with everything above, especially the bisexual Mirabel part since (if u didn’t notice) she has a little bi flag (it’s in a little circle)


Hello everyone! I recently (a few hours ago-)came across this book and immediately loved it. It has not been finished but is extremely well-written. Her account is still small but hopefully that will change soon. (She is the same age as me yet she writes like a flipping professional- HOW!?!)
          So if you have some spare time please go check it out!
          Bye and have a wonderful day/night!


            Thank you! I'm sure she will appreciate it!
            Your welcome! <3 ^v^


            I'll make sure to check it out!