Holaaaaaa ¿qué tal? No me gusta hacer spam pero sería genial si te pasaras por la historia que hace poco comencé. Es homosexual (gay) y sé que te gustará kglslfks. Un abrazo y muchas gracias de antemano <3

Ur just a poor girl

Me I am a soldier



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It’s the summer of 201X, Flowey meets Chara and Flowey’s like “Yo I know about LOVE” and Chara’s like “Yo I know MORE about LOVE” “That’s impossible….do you wanna start a genocide? And then Chara’s like “Yeah….that’s cool” And then he’s like “Yo, these are the ruins not the underground.“ And they met at Toriel’s house. So Chara’s wearing a sweater, socks and a heart locket. Toriel is baking pies for some fucking reason, and Asgore’s there for some reason. So Chara’s like “Yo that would be dope, but you’re not really gonna let me” because asriel is a nice goat but he’s chara’s friend. Asriel is like “Yo we can’t do that NOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOO.” And chara’s like “oh my god, why not?” So chara gets ill and they’re like “ASRIEL I WANNA SEE THE FLOOOOOWEEEERS.” Chara dies later and Asriel is like “Yo, that’s fuckin’ perfect now I gotta take them to the village.” And when they get there the villagers are like “look at that goat on two legs, everybody loves goats on two legs” “but it killed that child!” “its walking on two legs!” “Well it killed a kid but it’s walking on two legs and it’s real and it doesn’t matter.” And the villagers are like “Yo, what the fuuuuuuck? We gotta kill that fuckin’ gooooooooat.”

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So they wanted to attack them but they didn’t have weapons, so they grabbed a bunch of them and the weapons were like shovels, and brooms, the one from the kitchen, the third one was like a stick from the ground or something and they were like “Yo, now we can kill him. Goat. You’re gonna fuckin’ die” And they did it. They attacked the goat. And the villagers were hitting him like “bigidalilililililia, psh” Killin’ the skins, tappin’ the skins, tappin’ the rim hitting this goat, killing this bitch, knocking him out. And Asriel is like “THESE VILLAGERS ARE ATTACKING ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” So Asriel gets home and dies there, and Asgore gets angry and starts killing every human that falls down and Toriel is like “I should leave him, because I know what the fuck is going on.” So then Asgore is with Alphys years later and he’s like “Yo, if you can break this barrier, which is not fuckin’ hard I’ll appreciate it”

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And Alphys was like “YOOOOO I GOT THIS, ITS GONNA BE FUCKIN’ DOOOOPE IM GONNA EXTACT DETERMINATION, ITS GONNA BE FUCKIN’ HUGE.” But then she didn’t succeed! And frisk falls down and their like “I gotta keep this real, I gotta keep using mercy, and I’ve made lots of friends! They’re called -BURP- Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys.” And they made lots of friends and it was fuckin’ dope. But THEN she met Mettaton this fuckin’ weird robot with hot legs and THEIR RATINGS WERE FUCKIN’ DOOOPE and they fuckin’ hit on the charts like ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, TEN TO ONE! And Mettaton got tons of viewers like four million viewers, ten million viewers, FIFTEEN MILLION VIEWERS! And Napstablook had nothing to do with the entire show and Mettaton was like “THATS GOOOooOooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOD” And Frisk made friends with Mettaton too. So then, Frisk gets to the castle and has to fight Asgore. Frisk tried to use Mercy but Asgore was like “Yo, FUCK YOU, I can do whatever I want” And DESTROYED the Mercy option. And Frisk was like “Yeah, that’s cool man, whatever, I don’t give a shit.” And Flowey shows up “Eh, cool” and kills Asgore.

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And then Flowey’s like “Souls are great for a monster. Because it makes a monster powerful, which a lot of times, a monster is not. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure everyone thinks that monsters are powerful.” And Frisk is like. “You don’t seem powerfu- SHUT THE FUCK- Oh fuck alright, alright.” And Frisk won the battle, and Flowey is like “Oh my god im so embarrassed about this whole mercy thing” And then Frisk tried to mercy him and was like “Ah, im not gonna kill you” Like frisk wasn’t gonna kill him. Let’s be real. So then frisk went on this whole date thing with Alphys and went back to the kings castle and before the king could fight Frisk, Toriel came out and stopped the fight, and then all of Frisk’s friends came in. And Flowey shows up again and is like “Yo, FUCK YOU GUYS”, like these dudes were being so nice and all and flowey was so pissed. So he’s like “Yo, imma absorb all your fuckin’ souls and destroy every content there is known to man.”

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And then Flowey became Asriel Dreemur again, and tried to kill Frisk, but they didn’t, because they missed one thing. Apparently, Frisk could save all of their friends souls and Asriel was like “Oh shit, how did they do that.” And everyone was like “WHAT THE FUCK?” And Asriel’s like “I didn’t know you could do that FUCK YOU.” So that happened and Asriel had a huge fight with Frisk, and it’s like three or four minutes of awesomeness. Like people are CUMMIMG on themselves ‘cause its so big, alright so Frisk is like- vomits - So frisk is like “Yo im gonna save you too.” So then Asriel is like a tiny goat again and gets all fuckin’ emotional with Frisk. And the barrier was shattered, so everyone is like “Yo we gotta go to the surface bro.” And Mettaton is like I need time for my shows “UUUhuuUhHhUUuHUhhhhhUUUUhhhhh.” And Toriel is Like “Yo I need time to find the fuckin’ art dude, I gotta find some fuckin’ ki- kids to teach.” And Asgore is like “Im just gonna trim some fuckin’ bushes.” The skelebros are like “Alright we’ve been trapped underground for too long we gotta live the dream man” so they got on a car and some fuckin’ motorcycle. Mettaton started his show with Napstablook and Shryen and he was like “We gotta make this shit legit, it’s gonna be fuckin’ dope, its gonna go fuckin’ sky high, we’re gonna make a fuckin’ show that sails the skies.” Alphys and Undyne we’re like “What the Fuck? Now we’re totally gay for each other?” And Frisk ended up living with Toriel. Frisk woke up one night and was like “Is this p- is this pie on my floor? Did Toriel put it there? Oh god.” And that’s all. That’s all that matters. That’s how the fuckin’ story goes.