First, I think you would benefit in describing more, like characters, places, and other physical items. This can help you with adding more paragraphs for the subject you're describing, including adjectives and more nouns. Giving the reader a depiction of the scenes in your book will allow them to see what’s happening clearly.
Secondly, you need to pick either first person, second person, or third person point of view for your book. This will help your readers determine what character the book is focusing on, and it will help you to get inside your character(s)’s minds, giving the story more meaning.
Next, adding articles such as the, a, and an will make your book look more loved, like you're very compassionate and hard working towards your book. All books need live and this is one way to give it.
Next, organizing your book with paragraphs. It will help your readers know what's going on, especially in action scenes. When you're done talking about a specific subject, you should give the next subject space, like what I’m doing with this paragraph.
Next, giving your characters proper quotation marks. This is an example:
Robin walked into the room, meeting his friend, and asked, “Hey, Markus, how are you?”
“I’m feeling great, Robin. Thank you,” Markus replied.
Notice how I incorporated a question mark for a question and comma for a statement before the quotation mark and at end of the sentence. And how I gave the two different characters their own paragraph.
These different tips will guide you to become a great writer! Thank you for reading this!