guys my first perido teacher is actualy so nice like ik I joke around wit him and call him bald and stuff but bros is actually so nice like he makes the lessons fun and yesterday I was having a hard day and he even asked me when we were leaving to 2nd period if I was alr like I was ab to cry right then and there but I didn't and none of my friends even noticed I was sad but he did he knew sum was wrong like bro is so nice like I'm mean to him sometimes as a jokeily way but bros is actually one of my fav teachers like he's made me love social studies and I've always stragled with social studies and he actually made it fun to learn insetd of some other teachers that just explain it to you once and then expect you to do all the work they give you like he actually gave in his time to make us note packets for we can use for a paper assment or for a test like I loved his class so much like he was a really good teacher I'm over not gonna tell him but he's a really good teacher I'm glad I got to be in his first period class and I'm glad I was the first, 1st period class he taught bc it was his first year hear shout out to you mr.mason :)