
Hola people's!
          	I'm still breathing lol. Life has been life-ing but I plan *key word plan* to finish WDYM this year. I thank all of you, who have been here since the beginning and those who have just joined. I'm excited to end this chapter of my life, and these beloved characters.
          	- I'll write soon


Hola people's!
          I'm still breathing lol. Life has been life-ing but I plan *key word plan* to finish WDYM this year. I thank all of you, who have been here since the beginning and those who have just joined. I'm excited to end this chapter of my life, and these beloved characters.
          - I'll write soon


I cannot believe that it has been a year since the world has lost such a positive light. Chadwick Boseman will forever live in the hearts of the audience that he blessed his time, talent, and energy towards. I will forever find him a role model and example of how to spread God's love. Although new films won't be created in the future, we all can collectively look at his past works and portrayal of black characters and view them to learn more about the past but fuel the future as well. 
          I hope that you all have an awesome day, and know that Jesus loves you (me too! :)
          God bless


A girl sat in a chair her mind racing similar to the clock beside her. With each stroke of the hand, her mind imagined another scenario, thought of every interaction. She had been nice, right? She had treated him kindly and she had never led him on, right? She respected boundaries and she put them up herself, right? And yet a tiny piece of her escaped with every fleeting thought. She was cute. She was attractive. The buzz of his text still sent her mind over the edge. She was cute. Even with the weight of her worries, she was cute, even with the weight of her mind, she was cute. Even with the weight of her body, she was cute. And yet she cried. She cried harder than before, harder than when she got heartbroken.  And she didn't even know why she did. She had been fixated on her anxieties and problems that she never saw the people around her clearly. She cried because someone in this huge and God-forgotten world had thought she was worth looking at.
           ~ Lee


@SuagarCakes wow ... We never know who's looking.