... OK... Is it strange for me to be writing most of a chapter not due for a long time... yet I still haven't finished chapter 5? *Sigh* Curse my midnight inspirations that mean I get little to no sleep writing things that are no where near happening yet... I mean... i have all of Chapter 5 planned... I just... need to write it... XD
Oh and I've only just realized how to use this... God I'm awfully slow at times...
Thank you for... you know... not having gotten sick of me taking FOREVER to write the next chapter and just... leaving me... <3 Oh and I might get an Ask.fm eventually... so you can all ask invasive, personal questions because you're as nosy as I am... XD <3
Thank you for the support, you wonderful people... yes that's right... I'm talking to you... You adorable, cuddly fan you... C'MERE AND HUG ME!!! <3