
Adulting is so hard and i dont understand anything. How do i cancel my subscription?


Honestly some of the stories and fanfics I read are just so heckin weird or make no sense or have added subplots for no reason and most of the time make no sense.
          Some I just have to stop reading cause they are that bad, while others im just too curious to see what happens or finish it just for the sake of finishing it. 
          What happens when u finally start reading stories that u put into a list to read later without checking it out over a year ago


Okay so my phone is parlty working.
          It turns on and all its buttons work. I know the inside system is working since my alarm went off and snoozed and went off again.
          The touch screen doesnt work. I cant swipe  or anything. Also it flickers green went i turn the screen on and off.
          Pray for my phone to the holy Yeesus and Geesus.