
Have finally managed to crank something out, i'm very proud of it and can guarantee consistent updates moving forward! :)


My god it’s been so long since I’ve been in here, I’ve had this account since seventh grade and I’ve now dropped out of high school, and gotten a place away from my parents, I’m free and doing adult things now. It’s funny to think about but I’m glad I’ve had this place to write the entire time, seeing myself improve over time is so wonderful. And seeing all the things I’ve been interested in through my middle/high school days is so cute I think.


@SufferingIsBliss I'm glad to see you back!


I’ve disappeared for a while, I apologize, though as I age I realize I grow tired of writing these things, I turn 18 soon. Though that doesn’t mean I don’t like writing, I love it, but with adulthood comes new responsibility and new things I have to focus on.


@SufferingIsBliss Hey don't worry about it, same goes for me


Hello it has been a bit since i've been able to get on here and write a proper update for you all which you very much deserve, so allow me to start with saying, i apologize.
          I haven't had the proper time to write anything new for you all and haven't been able to get caught with updates either, as for my reasoning, falling in and out of a constant battle with my depression.
          recently i haven't even been able to have motivation to do anything really, and with lack of motivation comes lack of inspiration. I just simply can't focus on everything and pump out ideas into stories like i used to.
          Now don't get me wrong this isn't in any way, shape, or form me saying that i won't be writing anymore, no no not that, this is just an update from me saying that if i disappear and reappear at odd times my depression is why.
          If any of you do pay attention to me you'll realize that i do get on here from time to time and spontaneously pump out a new story or a new chapter for my one-shots, and that's because i've got my inspiration and motivation back. Anyways this is getting long and you don't have to accept my apology but just know i think about you all very often and don't plan to quite, i just ask for understanding while i battle my depression and lack of motivation, and when i do pop on here to update every once in a while please don't private message me harassing me about not getting to your request yet, please just be patient, i'm constantly thinking up new ideas and trying to amp myself up to get caught up with all of them! Also please excuse and spelling errors throughout this, i'm writing it on three hours of sleep lol.


@SufferingIsBliss  You shouldn't apologize. Your mental health comes first, if you feel upset, or mentally drained, no one will force you to write. Just know that if you need anything,  your fans to try their very best to help you. You should probably try to relax and have a bit of you time. Just know we will do whatever we can, despite being through a screen!  I hope you feel a bit better soon!


@SufferingIsBliss i read like half of that but its chill anyways have a hug and take  as much time as you need uwu


@SufferingIsBliss take your time. No need to rush yourself. Ignore all those idiots who harass you,and if you feel it's too much,feel free to ask for help. Don't be scared. Also,about your depression,please seek professional help if you haven't. Take care of yourself. If you need any help,my pms are always open. 


Hey guys could you go and pretty pleaseeeeee request some things for me to write on my most recent one shots story for genshin impact !! I’m patiently waiting to write but nobodies commenting :((


@MysteriousLostOne okay so genshin impact is an anime rpg that’s completely free to play but you can pay for extras if you’d like !! You’re supplied with four characters to start and can earn something called primo gems as the story progresses to earn more characters through a gacha type of thing,,,, there’s a really amazing story mode !! But it’s also open world and there are tons of side quests you can do too !! And yes yes yes I 100% recommend playing it !!


            heck yeah, I'll go there now.