
Why they calls you toxic?


@moye_moyegirl why would you think that I will attack you? Did you came here with the sole reason to attack me and then play as a victim? I don't see anywhere in your comment saying you want to understand a different option but rather launch accusations at me for an opinion you already formed about me. 
            I don't live my life to please or displease you so you can take it or leave. Maybe when your brain will stop thinking like a teenager and more like the "adult" you are so proud to announce you are,maybe then you can understand double standards, equality, understanding, commitment, communication, healthy mind set and you will stop your misandry toxic manipulative hypocrite behaviour.
            Have a great life 


@Sufraco well , I also came for the same reason but you are actually quite disrespectful in all comments towards girl and too much biased for the guys , at first I thought you must be a guy and then when checked the account, I felt so disappointed, and before you attack me too , I'm not a teenager, I'm an adult 


Came for the same reason