I'm going to be completely transparent with you all. Life has honestly really sucked since the new year.
Of course, I've had amazing moments. My oldest daughter started kindergarten, and my youngest just got her first teeth and is already 7 months!
But we all got covid ( the youngest bubba was lucky and only got a flu during the same time). Floods got bad for my family and friends and were cut off from us. And we just went through the process of having my oldest daughter diagnosed with adhd. She's starting new medication this weekend, so I will be taking a little longer to help her adjust.
I have still been writing and have stuff in drafts that need a bit more work on, so I haven't forgotten about you all. Just things haven't been very easy, and I am just a bit mentally and physically exhausted. I appreciate the patience and understand if you move on from my stories after rather long breaks in between chapters. Love you guys and your support. Seeing you guys comment and interact gives me hope people are still excited to see more.