
I will probably start writing again these months. But Idk if I'll continue that one fic cause it has been a long while and I forgot some of the plots/feelings I wanted to put in it. Also, my mindset has changed quite a lot compared to back then. So Idk what I'll write but I do feel like starting again.


I will probably start writing again these months. But Idk if I'll continue that one fic cause it has been a long while and I forgot some of the plots/feelings I wanted to put in it. Also, my mindset has changed quite a lot compared to back then. So Idk what I'll write but I do feel like starting again.


Hey everyone! I know my account has been lying dormant for a long while that it is already in hiatus, but I am officially declaring it an on hiatus today. I want to thank all my followers and friends, those who have been here since 'Midnight Love' and those who recently followed, for being with me. 'Midnight Love' is still my baby even after it being over an year since I wrote it. I genuinely wanna finish 'Today We Fight' cause I thought the idea is fun and I have the whole plot in my head. Idk if it will be as epic as all the other fics we read, but I wanna finish it no matter what. Which brings me to the next thing. I am gonna continue it starting December. I haven't been able to give it time since this year was really hectic for me. A new start in life, moving halfway across the country on my own, settling down, getting used to the new lifestyle and the academics. Thank you to everyone who wished me on this journey! I couldn't have made it this far without you! So as a thank you, I will finish the story that I started and hopefully continue on towards many new ones. Please keep supporting me! Love you all ♡♡


I am feeling really directionless, without motivation and feeling like I have accomplished nothing at all in my life. So I am going to give myself today, to take these negative feelings out of my system and take action to get a hold of my life.


I am soo shook! So I was watching RM's live and I had the comments on. And I was the only one spamming 'what book are you reading' throughout the live. And now that I watched with eng subs, I saw that he replied (〒︿〒)♡ Idk if it was my comment or someone else's but I am gonna pretend it was mine cause I was the only one consistently spamming about it.. Idk Korean so I didn't know he talked about it but I was spamming anyway (he must have been annoyed like 'I already replied to that' lmao XD) But I am still happy (〒︿〒)♥♥♡♡♡♡