
Alright so part one is out on The Hunters, i will write more as I see people reading it. I want to know if it's worth the work right now.


Hello I am Sam, 
          I'm here for saving my life, past few days I'm really stressed and disturbed but then suddenly I had a thought in my mind what if I can teleport or what if I can use magic. I really wanted to know how to control magic so if you really know how to control or use magic then please I'm begging you help me. 
          I really need your help if you're reading this or anyone who knows how to use magic or how to teleport please tell me. 
          I'll wait for your reply.


@AmberChase99 I can't tell you what religion is best for you, it takes years of study and understand who you really are, before you can really find who is out there. And yes I can "talk" to them in away. It's not like how I would talk to you it's more of asking them something then closing my eyes and feeling their answer come to my mind if that makes since. as for where we go when we die, that is life's many questions that every living being has, but as for me I think we all end up in the same place no matter what we believe, we just do what we know is right and fight for what we know is worth fighting for and we will see what we are meant to see


Is they're spells for finding nearby witches or spirits :)


@candyzombie  where??? I feel all alone... I kinda wanna become Wiccan, but I don't know how! I really would like to know if there are any Wiccan or witches near me.


that would just be called the internet >_O
            there are sights you can find like wiccan chat rooms etc.


So! I am back :3 sorry I've gone for like ever, x3 but I am here! With new stories and I promise I wont leave you hangin' on G.A.S. ♥ thanks for stickin' with me and I love you guys!! ♥ ♥ 
          I merged my other account (LuckyKoi) with this one and closed that account so I am all right here and totally all ears again :3