this message may be offensive
So i was going to the cinemas with my mum, uncle and nana today, and i had loads of energy this morning so i thought id put a bit of effort into my appearance. I curled my hair, did some light makeup, and i put on this nice dress ive got. Its a short pink skintight dress with white lace, and i was wearing a jacket and some pink heels that match. I dont normally wear dresses, much less skin tight ones because they make me feel really insecure, but i thought i looked really pretty. my uncle and nana picked me up and we met my mum at the cinemas and the first thing out of her mouth is "fuckin hell you look like you're going to a nightclub" which kind of put me off a bit, and then my nana said "if you were my daughter id never let you out the house like that" and "you look like you're trying to be older than you are" which threw me off, because my nana never makes mean comments on my appearance even when i look like shit. and my uncle kept subtly eyeing my chest (i wasnt wearing a bra). And they kept making comments about how old i look, my mum said i look like a whore and the entire movie all i could think about was how i used to look when i spent my nights prostituting myself for drug and alcohol money, food money and bill money. me and my brother were neglected q lot for a few years and had to find a way to pay bills, feed ourselves and make sure we had enough extra, i fell into doing drugs and he fell into dealing them. It was an extremely dark time in our lives and when we got home i was disgusted with myself. i hate how every time i put effort into my appearance my family comment on how im trying too hard and i look to old but when i barely try or dont try they say i look like shit.