
Hey guys! 
          	In the Wake of a Dead Queen; Chapter Two is out! If you haven't checked out the book yet I highly suggest you do so, it has the longest chapters of all my books, and the most thoroughly edited content I've ever published!


Nah my man you're fine, I just enjoy teasing my bestie.


*Me who clearly stated multiple times on her discord server that it was already published* 
          	  .....Speaking of if you aren't on her server you should fix that because its great.


Hey guys! 
          In the Wake of a Dead Queen; Chapter Two is out! If you haven't checked out the book yet I highly suggest you do so, it has the longest chapters of all my books, and the most thoroughly edited content I've ever published!


Nah my man you're fine, I just enjoy teasing my bestie.


*Me who clearly stated multiple times on her discord server that it was already published* 
            .....Speaking of if you aren't on her server you should fix that because its great.


          Hello, so as you may have noticed, I changed my name to @Sugar_from_Salt. If you read To be a Villains Legacy then you have (or will) be informed of everything I'm about to say so feel free to skip! 
          So changing the name was a difficult dessicion considering how attached I was to the old name, but theres a really exciting reason behind it, I'm expanding into COMICS! 
          Next week I'll be releasing my first EVER comic over at Webtoon. In addition to this I've set up an Instagram to keep people updated on news concerning my Wattpad and Webtoon account, the link is on my profile page if any of you are interested in taking a look at that, I've also released the title page for the new comic on instagram. 
          Hope to see you there! :)


@NerdyJaz Oh you should totally get one they are free an Instagram is pretty cool. 


            You can get it on desktop. :)


          Lately has been kinda crazy, but I guess you could say I'm on a 'work vacation' but by work I mean for you guys!!! 
          I have a bunch of new stuff comming out, including some things you've never seen from me, I'll be starting to post some of my finnished chapters tomorrow, but other than that I have some BIG news, that I'll be announcing in the following weeks! 
          As always I'm sorry for the inconsistency but I'm very excited to reveal what I've been spending so much time on lately. 
          See everyone tomorrow!
          *This is late, but, HAPPY PRIDE!* 


          Okay I have been gone a stupid amount of time and you would think 'She cant be busy shes at home like the rest of us' well you would be right but HA you forgot I am possibly one of the most misbehaving stubborn teenagers to grace wattpad and I have been grounded soooo many gods damned times lately it's not even funny. It's a little funny. It's a new record for me actually so its freaking hilarious. 
          Regardless, I'm backkkkkk and I have time and I will actually write because I have been doing alot of planning and I am supper excited to drag all of you through my hellish ideas.
          (Also Apologies for my stir crazy nature I feel like a cat with my head stuck in a box)


Hey guys, a quick update on my lack of posting, I kinda messed up my ankle so I've been doing overtime at Physical Therapy and end of quarter scramble to keep my grades up. I have a decent amount of the chapters written and I'll be sure to update at least by the end of the weekend if not sooner.


Wattpad: Unpublishing chapters
          Hey guys, 
          So last night I was going through To Be a Villans Legacy, and two of the chapters weren't published but had previously been published, I have no clue when they got taken down or if I accidentally did it but I want to apologize and say I will be keeping an eye on that. 
          (I know @NerdyJaz was having problems with this earlier in the year so I'm not super surprised... )
          Also if you're curious what chapters were taken down or you're worried you didn't read them it was; 
          Chapters nine and ten
          Make no mistake, I live in a Prison.
          Little Rat.
          Again sorry and I will be sure to keep an eye out for that again.


Rant/Update feel free to ignore, nothing supper important)
          I get reverse writer's block. I have too many ideas and scenes playing my head like they are so emotional and passionate and I'm just like, Who are you? I'm on the second chapter why did you get betrayed I'm so confused there are too many possibilities a single word can change the future of my work how do I what do I. 
          *Curl into ball and rock.*
          I'm fine. Anyways new chapter of legacy is out, Fair warning once the new season of MHA is out (4th) to most streaming sites I'm going to start incorporation many of those badarese concepts into the book so all of our new people can be apart of the randomness that is my book. I'll give out warnings so you guys will have notice before I'm just like AnD hE'S dEaD and you lose it as I lost it at the end of Season two Tokyo ghoul.


'Ight so if you noticed TBAVL got updated, 
          basically my life has been.... pretty hectic. 
          So, My brother was born, I also have another brother who is a year and a half old, so I've been helping out with them, I threw a Halloween party where my lovable idiot friends trashed my downstairs, (Still finding pieces of beget) and for once I've got like a kinda thriving social life, so my friends eat away at a lot of my time. 
          There are a few more reasons, I'm a JROTC Cadet and my corpse in particular needs a shert ton of Community service a quarter so I got it all done first thing, so I worked like 30 hours of comm serve past three weeks, so ten hours out of every Saturday definitely puts a dent in writing plans. 
          Anyways guys hoped you enjoyed my pity party I WILL, yes, WILL be releasing a chapter of NES on Friday? Thursday? Whatever day I decided on. 
          Oh and shoutout to Nerdy Jaz for nagging me about updating.


Hey, so I'm sure some of you are looking for an explanation as to why I'm not updating the past two-three weekends.
          So Past few weekends... 
          1. Homecoming.
          2. My Brother was born. (Yes quite the age gap I know.)
          3.End of the Quarter work.
          4. My dog of fifteen years died.
          So yeah
          I've uh been busy.
          I'll let you know when I start updating again. Sorry guys, hopefully, you understand.