Follow for follow ?

Let me just inhale and exhale- can my crush just- stop sending me their convo with this other person- my heart is emotionally breaking *insert sad Sophie noises*

Hi! Would you be willing to try out my sports fic? It’s a little dark and a lot of fun. It’s called Avalon!

Just redownloaded Wattpad in my phone again and not even ten seconds in the app- I’m already confused like wtf is happening WHY IS THERE SUDDENLY A REACTION THINGY, highkey missing the old wattpad✊

Yo why do people eat ass- like das nasty as frick

So it's my birthday ig

@SugaryNCTea omggg!! happy birthday!!! Hope ur enjoying ur day/night!! pS: u share bdays with Yuta!! scorpio gang! ♏️ :DD

@SugaryNCTea ## HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE ❤ i really hope that you have a great day and in a good condition, right now! please be safe and be healthy! stay happy, bb. may everything will ease for you <3 take a rest whenever you're tired and if you're having a bad day and needed someone to tell about, don't hesitate to dm me cause my dm always open for you! ily bb ❤

Is it unhealthy/bad to eat bread every day? asking for a friend

@ lynxuxii wants to send you a message ! // hey hey hey! just changed my username hehe old username : -lynxia new username : lynxuxii stay safe, luv!

GUYSSSS CHANGE YO PASSWORDSSSS, Some bitches/h@ackers have been leaking your Information in the deep FooKiNg web- please please please change your password I’ll send a link on how :) https://mobile.twitter.com/smolggvk/status/1285963616169189386