Hey! Just wanted to say some stuff here.
I want you all to know that you're loved. You're good enough. You're worthy. You're not a disgrace. You're not a burden. You are valid. You are you. You deserve happiness. You are not alone.
Some of you guys may be thinking that it's your fault, you're not good enough, and you screwed everything up. This is false. I know it may seem that way, but it's not true. It's not your fault. You are good enough. You did not screw everything up.
People make mistakes sometimes. It's human. It's what we do. There is nothing wrong with mistakes so long we try to learn from them and do our best to move on. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes.
Sometimes people may try to drag you down for who you. Because of your sexuality, gender, etc. You are you. You are special the way you are. Don't be ashamed to be who you are. If being who you are makes you happy, then you have every right to be that person. Do not be someone that people expect you to be, be someone that you want to be.
Some people may dismiss your feelings because "people are going through worse" or "it's not as bad as (insert person)". Yes, those people may be going through something, but so are you. You are entitled to feel this way, there is nothing wrong with this. You can feel bad and you have every right to feel bad. Everyone has problems and it's important that they're all heard.