
Hey lovelies! Summer's finally here and this will be my first and only time escaping college for a whole semester, yayyyy! 
          	Just wanted to let everyone know that I plan to continue writing for the YnM series, so expect a new addition soon! I'm glad to see that everyone enjoys it—I didn't expect it to draw much attention haha. Have an amazing summer~


Hey lovelies! Summer's finally here and this will be my first and only time escaping college for a whole semester, yayyyy! 
          Just wanted to let everyone know that I plan to continue writing for the YnM series, so expect a new addition soon! I'm glad to see that everyone enjoys it—I didn't expect it to draw much attention haha. Have an amazing summer~


          I tried so hard not to visibly freak out; especially since I don't live alone LOL.
          I felt so bad that William had to carry all those weights on his shoulders, but I admire him deeply for taking matters into his own hands and willing to make great sacrifices for others ^^


Oh team William all the way, hands down. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Sherlock, but I love the way YnM wrote James Moriarty's character. I agree with his philosophy, and I love his smooth and subtle charisma, haha! To me, he's utter perfection