
Ok.  Full disclosure time (my lawyer doesn't require this- my guilt does.)
          	Morbid curiosity got the best of me so Hannah Herschel now has a Fade account.  She'll do anything to spy on the college guys, LOL.  What?  You think I'd put MY name on that??
          	(lawyerly disclosure- if you are under 18, do NOT even try to join Fade.  You need an email address with a member college anyway)
          	So "Hannah" might have noticed a post by a girl wearing her favorite style of VS bra.
          	And "Hannah" might have posted a faceless picture of herself in the same bra.
          	And quite a few guys might have liked it.  Blissfully unaware that the cleavage they admired is over 30.
          	I should grow up and recognize that this is probably not funny, but I'm too busy laughing and feeling all proud of my ... what? NO. I mean "Hannah's" girls.


Ok.  Full disclosure time (my lawyer doesn't require this- my guilt does.)
          Morbid curiosity got the best of me so Hannah Herschel now has a Fade account.  She'll do anything to spy on the college guys, LOL.  What?  You think I'd put MY name on that??
          (lawyerly disclosure- if you are under 18, do NOT even try to join Fade.  You need an email address with a member college anyway)
          So "Hannah" might have noticed a post by a girl wearing her favorite style of VS bra.
          And "Hannah" might have posted a faceless picture of herself in the same bra.
          And quite a few guys might have liked it.  Blissfully unaware that the cleavage they admired is over 30.
          I should grow up and recognize that this is probably not funny, but I'm too busy laughing and feeling all proud of my ... what? NO. I mean "Hannah's" girls.


Indulge me in a vent, here.  I have read many stories here on Wattpad that I've enjoyed, except for one detail that's driven me to distraction.  The story line is good, the characters are good, the plot twists are fun.... but the setting... please, people, I beg you.  If you do not live in or otherwise know New York City well, do NOT set your story there.  I beg on my knees.  I guess that goes for any locations but it's the inconsistencies when people describe NYC that I notice.  Don't talk about sprawling mansions with roomy backyards in Manhattan, don't describe tourist hot spots as neighborhoods where everyone knows each other.  Don't assume that everyone on Long Island knows everyone else.  Don't write about Manhattan backyard pools, much less swimming in them in December.  
          You know why?  It confuses people who try to imagine what you describe and know it's impossible.  But do you really know why?  Because where ever it is in this world where you live, or the cities that you visit, or the beach towns where you summer, or the rural backwoods where your Grandma lives.... can also be interesting.  Set your story in a place that you know and you can imagine clearly in your mind's eye and the rest of us will picture it clearly, too.  And we'll learn a little something about the world.


Signs that it's time to drag your delirious tuchis to bed. #1. When you're reading a story and suddenly start wondering- when castaways are rescued from a distant island, whose job is it to clean up the giant SOS?  It takes the castaways days to move all those rocks and logs. You can't just leave it there or planes will stop all the time and pilots will be bummed that there's no one left to rescue. So. Who does it?  The castaways?  "Put that stuff back where you found it!  Leave no trace or we won't rescue you?"  The newest rescuer still on probation. "You clean up these rocks while we go over there and take publicity shits without you."
          Seriously. This should NOT be concerning me. At all.