I grabbed my sword from the dragons throat wipping the blood from my lips "Damn." I was so fed up with fighting the dragon I drained out of energy "These fools won't make a large impact for my life at all." I step down from it's body. "Well done. Chyrille." a clap from someone behind me "Thanks to you I have no ride back." my skin rose "Who are you." my eyes focused with the foot steps but never the faces. "The names Emrys" Emrys? Such a beautiful name for someone like him but he sured sounded cruel. "And why do you seek for my name darling Chyrille?" his laugh and speech was so well thought-full the words all in order "Emrys Holdrian?" My face went pale. A High fae some powerful creature. "I heard you were in some history books Emrys" he was a High Lord who trained dragons and had powers of his own one of the most beautiful and powerful high lord to exist. "Spit it out" he said with a sharp tone. I turned around to face him. "Hello" I looked at him observing his black hair and his white eyes. The outfits were the finest of fae fabric a corset he wore his hand gripped into fist. "Very well to see your face" a smile he gave. "Tell me. What is your price" a price I tried not to laugh. "Am not some normal mortal being Emrys" I laid my sword behind my back. Waiting for the right strike. I looked at him he looked at me "Alright then Darling" he softly clapped his hands. "I hope we meet again" as shadows swirled around him he opened his hands it was like a warm welcome. And he was gone in one blink. "Damn." I grabbed my sword and stood up.