
Hi! I was wondering when will be your next update, if you don't mind me asking. I just happened to stumble into your story in AFF and it really piqued my interest. Then I found myself loving it after only having to read its first chapter. Btw, thank you for sharing this story of yours in AFF and even in wattpad, you sure do have a beautiful mind. Looking forward to your next update author. Thank you and have a good day.


No worries author, just take your time.. I'm not rushing you or something coz I know how stressful school works these days.. I'm just thankful to come across in this wonderful story of yours.. Just wanna let you know that I'll be patiently waiting. Just stay safe and healthy. Thank you and God bless  


Thank you so much! I will update it either today or tomorrow, been busy with schoolworks. Hope you understand . But thank you very much for showing interest in my work, it means a lot ❤️ take care and stay safe, thankful for your time writing this ❤️