
Hi, I just wanted to tell you how great your book is. I made me laugh so hard and I really love it. It would be amazing if you could update it, but no pressure. Take care of yourself, if you need to because you deserve it. Just know that it's really good and the plot is just * chefs kiss *


Hey, as much as I want to rush you to update, please don’t feel pressured to. Take time for your mental and physical health. Only continue the book when you want to but just know you have a bunch of fans waiting for you return. Your books amazing, it’s made so many people’s days, I really do hope you plan to continue it, personally it made me laugh so hard I was crying. The way you come up with these ideas is beyond me but so amazing. I truly love your work, and if you ever need someone to talk to my pm’s are always open. I hope your doing well in this difficult time. ❤️❤️