
Happy New Years everyone ^^ hope you all enjoy the new year


Alright so the plan for the Haikyuu one shots book is to update one daily, I have backups stories for days I don't have the motivation to write so this should hopefully workout. If this doesn't work out then it'll be either every other day or every two days


this message may be offensive
Fuck relationships just fuck them. So because I'm not ready for one suddenly I'm the bad guy. Don't ever get into a relationship cuz if you break it off your the bad guy no matter the reason. In the end we're all better without it.
          None of you probably understand. But just take my advice don't date in high school.


Okay to all my DSMP followers ongdghsdhgd omg I can't believe Dream FINALLY face revealed and that the Dream Team is finally together I'm so happy. Idk what I was really expecting when Dream face revealed but he looks pretty good in my opinion. I loved George's video with them meeting up and how it was playing heatwaves in the background while George and Dream finally met. Congrats to them!  anyways stay safe love you all <3


oh, I'm a Sagittarius too!!


Ah! 6 days apart :)