
I have posted the re-written version of of Cold Against Dark! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed re-writing it!


Are u still continue writing the last chance of jelsa becasue I’m loving ur story 


Ok  thank u


@RinHi9 Hi! I will be soon! I have a deadline to meet for uni but after that I'll continue to write it :)


So hello. I haven't been here or posted anything in a long time. I've been recently re-writing Cold Against Dark because I wrote it so long ago and my writing has improved massively since then so I'll be slowly replacing to chapters of that in the coming weeks. I'll probably do it all at once! The story will remain the same, I'm just bulking up chapters, giving you more interesting things to read and sorting our boring things like spelling errors, sentence structures and punctuation errors. Seeing as it's my most read fanfiction, I thought I should turn it into a piece of work that I'm actually proud of. A couple of the chapters will be smushed together but again, the story is the same, however, I would advise a re-read when everything is re-posted because there will be added details :) Thank you so much again to everybody who follwos me or who has read my work, it means a lot!