
Yo guys, how are you? I hope you'll fine today, because my part of story is updates! Im so sorry if i late to write this story cuz my activity in school and my write block is always attack me. That's my bad.
          	I hope you enjoy in this part, i know not easily to read story like mine. Late to update, boring etc. 
          	But i always apreciate to you that who like read my story. That's give me happines
          	Segitu dulu, bye bye


          Nyari cerita dewasa yg vibes-nya kek drakor? Nyari cerita romance yg nggak ngebosenin?
          Nyari cerita yang konfliknya nggak terlalu berat tapi feelnya dapet?
          Nih, baca nih! Tiap chapter nya nagih bgt (itung² ngobatin rasa kangen kalian ke doi yg lagi wamil) ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Yo guys, how are you? I hope you'll fine today, because my part of story is updates! Im so sorry if i late to write this story cuz my activity in school and my write block is always attack me. That's my bad.
          I hope you enjoy in this part, i know not easily to read story like mine. Late to update, boring etc. 
          But i always apreciate to you that who like read my story. That's give me happines
          Segitu dulu, bye bye


Halo temen-temen!
          Sunmoony update cerita baru, loh! 
          Perjalanan cinta beda agama seorang pemuda dan seorang publik figur. Bersama berbagai halangan dan tentangan keras dari pihak keluarga, Rayyan mencoba terus berjalan bersama Serena. Hingga saat seorang gadis shalehah datang dan memberinya sebuah kebenaran beragama. 
          Jangan lupa untuk dibaca, ya! Aku menantikan kehadiranmu!


hii kak, izin promosi yaaa, mampir yuk siapa tau sukaa hehe ^^
          btw, ini bukan kisah tentang cinta, melainkan tentang keseharian Taeil dan ke-22 adik²nya, yang suka ngerusuh dan ngereog -_-
          oh yaaa, setelah membaca, harap tinggalkan jejak ya hihii

          thank u, good morning and have a nice day <3
