
@Jen_Leigh jen, i've loved talking to you! i really miss you all. hopefully i can get on the procs Thread tomorrow -- it's dead right now -- and chat. i've got plenty to say and some things i need advice on :) but i need to go now. #missedtalkingtoyou #seeyousoon #hashtagsforever


@Jen_Leigh we're all our own harshest critics, because we want to be the best writers possible and when we fail to meet our (amittedly high standards) we are disappointed and feel like bad writers. yeah, like john green deletes 90% of his first drafts. i found so many amazing pieces of advice. #ialwaysmessupgrammar #semicolonsaren'tmyfriends #alsocommas #alsoem-dashes #alsosentencefragments 


@Jen_Leigh :DD i'm so glad to hear that. i like when people succeed! especially when it's people who deserve to succeed. (why do you think people call me sunny? haha. the procs started calling me that early on). we all have struggles in our writing but we've come through them, hooray. i wouldn't say my writing's good every day -- in fact, i'm rewriting my first chapter today-- but it's writing and that's what matters. #positivity #nomorehashtagspromise