
Quick update: I moved to Dubai for my internship. 
          	May be updating soon.


Sooooo... I’m sorry for such a late update. (that isn't even that good either)
          I finished my exams, did better than I anticipated 
          And then after the exams I had to prepare to move out.
          I moved out of my homecountry 
          and started to go to college in a new country on short notice.
          Let's say my life is a little chaotic at the moment :s
          Thank you all for sticking around and still reading my stuff.
          luvzzzzz Genny


Hi guys, it's been a while.
          Just wanted to give you all a heads up. I’m still going to update :3
          I’m currently stuck on the most recent chapter. I spent a lot of time writing it but in the end I hated it. So I'm going to rewrite it. 
          It's a lil tricky to complete chapters with school. I’ll try my best to complete the next one asap <3
          Luvzzz Genny :)


Thank you all for taking the time to read my Fic. I started of writing thinking no one would want to read it. And look now +/- 700 reads in like less than 2 months. Thank you all for the votes, the funny, loving and compassionate comments. To the ones that shared my story :’) thank you very very very much. I hope you all still look forward to some new chapters. I’ll try to be a little more consistent 
          Luvzzz Genny :)