
Hey guys, sorry for going MIA for so long, that fanfic author curse has GOT ME! Also considering the current political climate of where I live there's that too T-T plus school is back in session. I just keep getting absolutely DRAGGED I can't catch a break I am in the TRENCHES.
          	BUT, I would like to take this time to remind everyone who might be feeling exhausted, depressed or scared right now that you are loved. This is a safe space where you will be respected and cared for. I don't know where you all might live or where you are in your lives currently, but someone is thinking of you with love and willing to fight tooth and nail for your human right to be. We have always been here and we're not going away. We will never go away. People who hate and rule by hate will never be remembered as being on the right side of history and they will always be seen as the cowards they are. Stay safe, and know you're loved. Punch a N*zi.
          	Dazzy <3


Hey guys, sorry for going MIA for so long, that fanfic author curse has GOT ME! Also considering the current political climate of where I live there's that too T-T plus school is back in session. I just keep getting absolutely DRAGGED I can't catch a break I am in the TRENCHES.
          BUT, I would like to take this time to remind everyone who might be feeling exhausted, depressed or scared right now that you are loved. This is a safe space where you will be respected and cared for. I don't know where you all might live or where you are in your lives currently, but someone is thinking of you with love and willing to fight tooth and nail for your human right to be. We have always been here and we're not going away. We will never go away. People who hate and rule by hate will never be remembered as being on the right side of history and they will always be seen as the cowards they are. Stay safe, and know you're loved. Punch a N*zi.
          Dazzy <3


this message may be offensive
The ONE TIME I get all comfy and cozy to sit down and write a full chapter in one sitting and I don't have enough manga IM GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT
          Teehee anyway. So, I WAS going to have a nice little chapter for y'all this weekend, but I literally have written as much as I can with the volume I brought with me to school. I'm literally out of manga and I won't be able to get more until next weekend. This is so silly goofy (I hate it here I am gnawing on the bars of my enclosure).
          Expect an update NEXT WEEKEND because I SWEAR IM WRITING GUYS


Hello, I would like to say that I am loving your Kuroshitsuji story, I would like to know what you have planned for the protagonist and the characters? in relation to the end.


Omg thank you so much!! So I don’t want to spoil too much about what I do have planned because I want it to be a surprise for everyone. Also the manga hasn’t completely finished and since I use it as the base for my story, I do need to see how it’s going to end before I set some things into stone. I think really all I can say without spoiling what little I do have planned is that at the end of the day Y/N is going to have some tough decisions to make and her friends are going to need to have a lot of blind faith in her. It’s only going to get more difficult for them from here on out.


Yall I have fought through the TRENCHES first Trump came into town, then hurricane Helene, THEN MIDTERMS THEN HURRICANE MILTON HOW AM I ALIVE????
          Anyway I hope everyone is safe and doing well! Hopefully I’ll be able to update soon now that Hell has passed. Could this be karma for what I’m going to do to Y/N? Maybe. Will I continue to make her life progressively worse and more unbearable? Absolutely.
          All my love and support to everyone, and I hope you and your loved ones are safe!
          ~Dazzy <3 <3 <3


Hey everyone. If you weren’t aware, a hurricane came through the US East coast and destroyed just about everything. I had no power, running water or a way off our property for the last few days because of the destruction from the storm. My family and friends are safe and fine, but obviously there won’t be an update this week. The only reason I’m able to message yall now is because I drove back to my college where there is power, water and wifi for most of the campus. Having said that my heart obviously goes out to everyone affected by this storm and I’m asking for a little patience when it comes to updates for the next few weeks. I don’t know when my family will get power and water restored, and it’s stressing me tf out. I hope everyone who was effected by the storm is okay and hopefully safe and has a way to get food and water.
          All my love,
          Dazzy <3 <3 <3


@foreverindecisivelol I’m glad you’re okay, even if there is flooding. Hopefully the storm will end soon and things will dry up and be repaired!


Hope you’re doing well where you are. I’m in the mainland, but we were hit pretty hard by storms and flooding, living on the coast of the Ohio River. It’s the worst flooding we’ve had in a while 


@-NEMIMEMORY Thank you, hopefully they will have power back by the end of the week!


Guess who goes back to college this week! I’m a sophomore now which is literally insane ;-; I’m working on some updates so hopefully I won’t abandon you guys like I did last year! I plan on being more strict with myself and allowing for less doomscrolling and more writing and reading. I need to get back to my roots as a kid with a higher than average reading level. Plus I have my own bedroom this year so I can have my light on as late as I want without disturbing my roommates! Here’s to hoping I do better updating this year! <3 <3 <3
          All my love,
          Dazzy <3


Sorry for the lack of updates guys! This last week has been crazy! I had my mom’s birthday celebration, my brother is moving to his college dorm tomorrow and I have to help with that for the next 2 days, and my step sister’s birthday is on Friday, plus I just got an internship (very excited!!). Needless to say I haven’t had the time to write this week, but once I get back from helping my brother move, I should be able to sit down and get to it. Thanks for your patience!! Love you guys so much!!! <3 <3 <3


@Itznevertoolate Thank you so much!! I’m going to do my best and we’ll see where it goes! I also can’t wait to write again though!


@Sunny_DDoodles happy belated birthday to your mom! All the best and congratulations to your brother! Happy birthday in advance to your step sister! 
            Also all the very best and congratulations to you too! You will do amazing! 


Well guys, I did it. The Queen's Lion: Covert is finished, ending with a word count of 215,510 words. That book is longer than every Harry Potter book except Order of the Phoenix, which is a mere 41,535 words longer. I can't express how proud I am to have finished that book and to have started The Queen's Lion: Surrendered. I hope that you all will continue to enjoy my story and follow me to my next books!
          All the love in the world,
          Dazzy <3<3<3


@-NEMIMEMORY I believe in you! I'm glad someone noticed that! It may or may not be a massive hint as to how the books get more and more serious as they go on and the titles may or may not be hints as to what happens in the stories as well hehehehe! Ahhhh thank you so much T-T <3 <3


@Sunny_DDoodles WOAHHHHH, I haven't actually finished Covert yet. But I'm close!! I really love the way Sebastian gets more and more detailed on the covers as the books go on. Your writing is amazing!! :33


Ladies and theydies,
          How do we feel about a mean bisexual Y/N x MisaMisa x L fanfic??? I feel like there is potential there. And by that, I mean I'm feeling particularly gay tonight but also sad pathetic men. I would be working on this in my spare time if I have any. I know I've got a million things going on, but I enjoy making my life unnecessarily difficult for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Feel free to drop your opinions below.
          XOXO you can take me H-O-T-T-O-G-O
          Dazzy <3 <3