Hey guys, sorry for going MIA for so long, that fanfic author curse has GOT ME! Also considering the current political climate of where I live there's that too T-T plus school is back in session. I just keep getting absolutely DRAGGED I can't catch a break I am in the TRENCHES.
BUT, I would like to take this time to remind everyone who might be feeling exhausted, depressed or scared right now that you are loved. This is a safe space where you will be respected and cared for. I don't know where you all might live or where you are in your lives currently, but someone is thinking of you with love and willing to fight tooth and nail for your human right to be. We have always been here and we're not going away. We will never go away. People who hate and rule by hate will never be remembered as being on the right side of history and they will always be seen as the cowards they are. Stay safe, and know you're loved. Punch a N*zi.
Dazzy <3