Hello everyone! I'm back. I still have some things to fix on the book, as there are too many plot holes and some happenings that the readers dislike and I too, dislikes. I wrote this about 3 years ago so please bear with me. I regret writing many things in this book and been fighting the urge to unpublish it. As for now it is not very easy to update due to my schedule, but I'm trying my best. I have been busy for the past few months so apologies. The process might be slow but I'm writing whenever I can. And you will also find a lot of changes but nothing will change with the plot. That's it have a good day everyone^^

@Sunooluvs take ur time and plss plsss dont unpublish it im still waiting for updatess and stop reading it cuz there is no new chapter but im reading it again cuz i completely forgot about whats happening but plss pls plss continue it and dont unpublish ittt and always take ur time....... dont overwork urself theres no rush i have tons of books i still havent finished soo take ur timee

@Sunooluvs ahh finally!! uncrushing you was the first fanfic I have ever read after becoming a sunsun stan so it really has a special place in my heart. so till you update, I'll read it again and again till I get bored of it (tbh I will never get bored) and I hope you're feeling well and you're not busy. love you<3 keep up the good work!