
Good eve guys! Sorry for the lack of updates for the past few weeks, school has been making me busy lately so I haven't had enough time to write up anything for my stories. To make up for it though, i'll be updated my Poem book, Ethereal: A Book of Short Poems so please check it out! Stay tuned for more updates! ^^


Good eve guys! Sorry for the lack of updates for the past few weeks, school has been making me busy lately so I haven't had enough time to write up anything for my stories. To make up for it though, i'll be updated my Poem book, Ethereal: A Book of Short Poems so please check it out! Stay tuned for more updates! ^^


Good Evening eveyone! Well, in my time that is. Sorry for the late update but I have finally updated Class 46 with the latest chapter, Chapter 6-Murder or Suicide. Veronica's grou has finally solved the riddle and can now obtain the Music Sheet they've been looking for. But what happens when worry starts to arise when its time for them to obtain it? Find out in the latest chapter and hope you all enjoy!


My exams have finally come to and end yesterday everyone, so I'll be up and running on making more updates! My Semestral Break is starting next week as well, so more updates may be published soon! ^^
          I have also just published a new chapter for Both of Us, which is Chapter 9-Two Friends. It seems there is a new character who is introduced in this chapter, but why is there a threatening aura between Andrew and this character? Read the newest chapter to read and find out more everyone! Hope you guys like it! ^^