I've been writing Motley Crue fanfiction on here for perhaps five or six years. It's been one of my favorite things to do. I've made many friends and explored many ideas.
However, six years is a long time to be stuck in such a small corner. Especially when you didn't create that corner. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I'm feeling kind of burnt out on Motley Crue fanfiction. I just don't feel as immersed or inspired by it anymore, despite still loving the band as much as I ever have.
That's not to say I'm going to completely stop writing it. Of course I'll still update my oneshots once in awhile. I might even open requests from time to time. And don't worry, I won't be deleting any of my work, nor will I be leaving Wattpad.
But, I want to spread my wings. I want to start focusing on creating stories based off my own original ideas. I actually have several OCs that have been in development since before the pandemic. I want to share them with you all. Most of them are kind of overpowered, haha! I love OP characters.
With all that being said, I'd like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone who has supported me until now. I never thought I'd get many followers with how odd my writing can be, let alone over four hundred! I even met my best friend through Motley Crue fanfiction. But, as we've discussed, I believe it's time for this chapter in my life to come to at least a relative close. I hope to see you all on the journey ahead.
Much love,