
SNEAK PEEK of ALL OF YOU (Pjm) chapter I
          	He pauses, a tender smile on his lips before he speaks again. "I'm really happy you're with us... with me."
          	" too."
          	I hope to publish it soo 


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Hello Author !
          I hope your doing all fine. Well, I just finished "unexpected" yesterday. And the story is really great. I really really really loved it a lot . How y/n and Jungkook were pulling silly pranks with each other. How they both felt attractive towards each other just like enemies to lovers .lol. It was really awesome. And your writing was also good and your explanation was very understandable. Ngl , I was kinda disappointed when I saw that your last update was a year ago . And I personally think that y/n and Jungkook both deserve a happy ending or something like both being girlfriend boyfriend . There we can see Jungkook's boyfriendly gesture or something like that . Ik I am so much fucking But seriously the characters are so good to deserve a happy ending.
          I hope you think about it. 
          Take love 


@ strawberry_meon  Hi! First of all, thanks for your kind words<3 I'm a non-native English speaker, so the comments on the writing itself mean a lot to me!
            And secondly, I know most of you have come asked to "change/add" something to the Unexpected finale. Actually, even if you saw it was published one year ago, it was originally written many years ago and I never published it before that. It was my second ever story published, but the only one written when I was little. That's why I don't plan on adding anything! It's such a memory for me, with all the flaws included. I don't like the ending myself, however it seems I did when I was little. So no, I won't do anything about it! I hope you understand! But...I might consider writing a sort of drabble (not an original chapter) in the future for them. Who knows.
            Thank you for your comment, I hope you can give a chance to my other stories as well:) I dare recommend "Galaxies'' next, but you choose
            Have a great day!!