
Hello my fellow readers and followers! 
          	I've recently updated the latest epilogue so that it won't be on "private." Now it is open to the public and anyone can check it out! It has a little of a twist, so let me know what you all think!!


Hello my fellow readers and followers! 
          I've recently updated the latest epilogue so that it won't be on "private." Now it is open to the public and anyone can check it out! It has a little of a twist, so let me know what you all think!!


I know I've kept everyone waiting! It feels like it was only yesterday that I first started writing NLFTL and that was when I first started going to college. I'm on Christmas break now so I had time to write an epilogue. Here it is!


I just now uploaded the next chapter to NLFTL! :) I've also started to write the beginning of the next chapter.. it's not the last one so expect more uploads soon.. whenever I have time haha Anyways, thanks for supporting me and reading my story. It means the world to me knowing that you guys commit and make a change for me even though it's just one read or one vote or even one comment. For that, thank you!!