Hello all! 

Thank you for checking out my profile. I'm hoping you're here for potentially good writing. I admit it has been a while. Most of what I'm posting is old work that I have done, beginning in high school and through college. Some pieces may be for a slightly more twisted audience. Other pieces are, more than likely, story scenarios that I haven't quite been able to piece into a story. Of course, I'm always open to suggestions, criticism, and random sparks of brilliance!

If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

  • Milton, Pennsylvania
  • EntrouFebruary 3, 2015


Histórias de Adrianne
The Replacement, de Sunshinehoax
The Replacement
For years I have had bits and pieces of this story filter in and out through random writings, drawings and dr...
Absent-minded scrawls, de Sunshinehoax
Absent-minded scrawls
I will introduce you to this section with this section alone. You'll find the sensitive, fleeting signs of ma...
1 lista de leitura