Hi! Could you maybe read and promote my Bechloe story, Meant To Be?
And follow me on Instagram and TikTok:
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Im pretty sure I've seen the trailer for (beca Mitchell: vampire hunter) [loved it] and for [don't let go] i think you are really good at stroy writing and trailer making. Ahhhhhh
The Whispers was extremely intense and kind of insane. Really good book even though it was short. I was wondering if their would be a sequel to it or if their already is one ? Kinda hooked me. Although it creeped me out. Not many stories like that on here. Amazing job though.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love your one shot, Aca Steal Your Girl, Jesse? Cause I really do. Like it's perfection. Oh and Vampire Hunter! My life was made, swear to god. So...keep it up!!