
Omg Omg I'm sooooooo sorry guys!!! I know I haven't updated in years!!! That's going to change! A new chapter for Take care of me and Kim Fitz will come soon. Please don't hate me


Sorry, two things,
          a) I'm not dead, I swear I was kidnapped aliens... well okay that was exaggerated I had school.Same thing right?
          b)Summer is coming, so if you can bare with me until July that will be awesome! So now the updates will be slow but once July sticks I'll be back in action!
          Can't wait! :)


Hello to all you followers, thanks for being awesome and following me, if you want to be part of You're Perfect (my book) please,please,please private message me.So I know who to add. THANKS! :) Also I can do a Q&A so ask me about anything, my stories, ANYTHING YOU WANT! :)


Okay so I'm NOT dead. I know I haven't posted anything in the past 2-3 weeks but long story short I had school. I was attacked my tests,projects etc. So I am deeply sorry and I will post soon. FYI it kinda stings when people unfollow me, I mean Come on, that hurts. Any who I will post soon. Love ya all kisses
          Your favourite monkey