Thinking about that one time I almost accidentally plagiarized a whole book I'd never read
It was the 8th grade and we were instructed to write a short story.
I thought of, "Everlost", the story of Zion Alexander and Kailah Hill on their journey through a land between life and death - a ghost world - as they battle the powers that have brainwashed the town and fight to save their friends.
My mom thought it would be a good idea to look up the title I'd come up with to make sure there wasn't a book already called "Everlost". Googled, and turns out there was one. The description was practically a mirror of my own, so I decided to read it to make sure that was the only similarity.
Now, the title being the same, not shocking. But the fact that when I read it at least //half the book// almost matched what I thought were my original ideas? That was f-cking weird. Did I mention I had never heard of or read this book before? Just scary similar, really. Same title, very similar plot. It was freaky.