
Me: *texts the girl I kinda like a very open ended, up for interpretation "hey I'd love to get to know you better and hang out outside of classes once college goes back in person after break"* (we're gonna be online the first few weeks after new years cause of covid)
          	Also me: *sees that she responded several hours later and immediately just shutting off my phone out of fear* "well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"
          	Anyways we're gonna try using the new train to go off campus together sometime (if covid allows) and I know it's probably just as friends but I still did something, right?


Me: *texts the girl I kinda like a very open ended, up for interpretation "hey I'd love to get to know you better and hang out outside of classes once college goes back in person after break"* (we're gonna be online the first few weeks after new years cause of covid)
          Also me: *sees that she responded several hours later and immediately just shutting off my phone out of fear* "well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"
          Anyways we're gonna try using the new train to go off campus together sometime (if covid allows) and I know it's probably just as friends but I still did something, right?


Why does my chemistry study buddy that I sometimes hang out with actually have to be the one of the cutest girls I've ever met. She's so sweet and insanely pretty and I have a big ole gay crush and it's a problem since idk if she's even into girls aaaaa


I love being woman in terms of empowerment and sexuality, but GOD am I tired of the stress that comes with walking home at night or riding the public bus during the day. I shouldn't have to tense up every time I see a man just because certain men feel entitled to my body and catcall me all the time


Seriously, I have gotten so many guys doing they "heyyy how you doin'" when I just want to walk home. Luckily I've been safe otherwise so far


Shout-out to my roommate taking me to play uno and walk around campus in the dark with her lesbian friend from high school


@Rogue-Dreamer nah just for fun, but it was nice since I'd been pretty lonely the last few days :))


@SuperPotterWhoLock5 like a date or...? How was it?


Just drove to a new state for college, I move into the dorms tomorrow (kinda freaking out ngl) 
          Wish me luck :)


this message may be offensive
Finally started reading The Song of Achilles and WOW this book hurts when you know mythology
          Spoilers start here for the first 150 or so pages btw:
          Okay like first of all telling Achilles' story from Patroclus' point of view is genius, especially since the author really delves into the fact that their relationship was likely romantic (in my opinion definitely) and has them as a canon couple but also STOP WITH THE FORESHADOWING IT HURTS ME
          "Oh Patroclus, I'll never be sad because I have you"
          "If you don't kill Hector maybe you won't die Achilles"
          "Why would I kill Hector? He hasn't done anything to me"
          *screams in knowing what happens in the end*


@thattheatrekid11 I finished it the other day IT WAS SO SAD


Just got my roommate and list of apartment mates for college. I've already been chatting with my roommate for months after we requested each other and she's super chill, but I just found out one of the other people in our 6 person apartment-dorm has the same first name as me lmaooo
          This will be fun to figure out while we're living together
          "Hey [name]"
          *Two people responding from different rooms* "Yes?"