Hey guys. Been a while huh. Just going to come out and say it. 2016 didn't end on a high note for me. 1) my grandmother passed away before thanksgiving. 2) my computer crashed and I lost basically everything (yes including drafts to my stories) and 3) I produced my 1st kidney stone. So yeah just giving an insight as to my absence (not that I'm using them as excuses). Anyway just a couple of quick things to address about the stories. Deadpool: straight up I'm planning on revamping the style of it it to match the movie/Ryan Reynolds version as at the time I was basing it off the Nolan North version from the games but I was unhappy with it overall and couldn't find that sweet spot. The little teaser chapter is staying but expect a different tone when going in (still keeping it PG13 for the most part). R Verse: I've created a couple of test chapters of certain series but as you know I lost them so I'll start from scratch. What I'm planning on doing to try to upload the one I feel most comfortable with and go from there. Rather than write the synopsis of JAKQ as intended, I'll instead post the one I'm planning to upload. And finally, I'm going to try some other ideas soon. I've already come up with some ideas including, but not limited to, a review book of sorts (starting with my Christmas gifts), a Fairy Tail AU, a Soul Eater one shot/mini series, a JoJo crossover, and a Sonic AU. These aren't final but I'm going to try to work on at least one of them. And to those who are still following me, I appreciate it and hopefully you'll continue to be patient as I get off my lazy butt and try to be productive.