
Let's make some memories Continuation has been continued! Sorry for the long wait!


I haven't posted in a while.. Sorry 'bout that. My weekends are filled with clubs my mom force me to do, I'm also working on some other projects and I don't get home from school until 4:30. I'm still trying to stay active with those in the comments while I (sadly) have to force you all to wait for the next chapter. I don't even want to wait for it, and I'm the one writing it!


Ok so since I haven't even been active on wattpad for like a whole week (and possibly a day) I should make up for it. So how about a Q and A? Ask me questions here and I'll answer them! If I find them important enough I'll add it in my Bio (Also may not answer every question if too personal) :3


@SuperSqueakyFangirl I have a lot of pets dogs though <3 


@BiancasWorld1213  wow I'm late to reply... anyway the answer is that I'm actually allergic to cats... :3  *adorable (actually very violent) sneeze*