
Okay so I know that this account is sorta dead but I've decided that I'm going to move my fanfics to my two other accounts that are also dead. I may or may not ever get around to updating them but honestly most of them aren't doing the same as they use to and I would rather but my dead work on my dead accounts so that maybe my original works can shine through. Anyway if you would like to follow any of my fanfics follow @LKoogz for more of my Harry Potter Fanfics (tho that account as has some marvel fanfics) and follow @Man_With_A_Plan25 for my Marvel fanfics. I hope you guys can understand and if you want to unfollow me go ahead I won't be mad.


Okay so I know that this account is sorta dead but I've decided that I'm going to move my fanfics to my two other accounts that are also dead. I may or may not ever get around to updating them but honestly most of them aren't doing the same as they use to and I would rather but my dead work on my dead accounts so that maybe my original works can shine through. Anyway if you would like to follow any of my fanfics follow @LKoogz for more of my Harry Potter Fanfics (tho that account as has some marvel fanfics) and follow @Man_With_A_Plan25 for my Marvel fanfics. I hope you guys can understand and if you want to unfollow me go ahead I won't be mad.


Okay I’m only everything going to do this once and I’m only this because I think my new book is my favorite and best story I’ve ever written. My new book is called Just Another Teen Novel. I would really appreciate if you guys give it a read! I know the title might be off putting but you’ll understand why it’s called that. Anyway once again I’ll only ever shameful self plug once unless I create a better book(which will never happen)


Love you :)!!!!!!! JATN is sooooo good guys please read.


          i'm kat, and i'm doing this thing where i post a positive message to all my followers. so i'll just say what i have to say and be on my way:
          you're beautiful.
          you're smart.
          you're talented.
          you're amazing.
          you have a purpose.
          stay cool,
          (inspired by whiskyforbes)


Please update! Ps. Boo!


Okay I'll try


Hmmm I️ don’t know, maybe Roxie?


@Emerald_Bella yeah but like any specific one?