
Hey, guys I'm very sorry about not updating. I dropped my phone and now it's stopped working but don't worry I will be updating really soon. Again I am very sorry about the slow updates.


I just got back from Florida and I an trying to get updates up as soon as possible but it is really hard when you have school work, Vacation, and a slow ass computer. Some day I just don't even want to deal with the pain of a slow computer but hey I do it for you guys. You guys should also know that their with be a love story coming soon and that there will be a story ending soon too. I hope you guys can go check it out.


I have just finished a chapter on my story  Everything has changed. Please tell your friends about me so they can  follow me on my profile Super Mom 231.


Sorry guys I am back in school and I don't have all the time in the world to update and my  last update was kind of crappy so I am so sorry. Really I am but I will update this weekend.