Again, not super important but someone may need to here it (writing it makes me feel real too)
But I think I finally feel comfortable. As a person.
I’m still insecure, I still get nightmares, I still stutter and trip but I think I feel like an actual person.
I saw my friends today and we just hung out. I felt a little subconscious about needing to sit on the floor and stand at intervals because of my circulation issues, but it wasn’t weird because it’s just a part of my body.
I hugged my whole family today. Which was a step for me because I never felt like it was something I could do but it made me so happy.
I have 2 jobs, something younger me never really could’ve imagined. I sew, I make art, I have aspirations.
I used to be so scared that I would fade away before I had even died. But I really think younger me would be proud of me. I’m not just someone people want me to be, I’m my own person.
Im not perfect or beautiful or majorly successful. But I’m so glad to have finally just clicked into my skin.